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热度793票  浏览101次 时间:2019年12月14日 17:53


       本报讯(记者 孙久瓴)艺术因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富。2020年,即将迎来中国和意大利两国建交50周年,为进一步加深两国在文化艺术领域的相互了解,扩大人文交流和文明互鉴,由中国浙江美术馆、意大利那不勒斯国家考古博物馆主办的展览“纸上谈缤:从图像到艺术的文明互鉴”于2019年12月11日在意大利那不勒斯国家考古博物馆正式开幕。
       Art becomes more colorful because of communication, and civilizations become more enriched because of mutual appreciation. In 2020, China and Italy celebrate the 50th anniversary for the establishment of their official diplomatic relations, and in order to further deepen the mutual understanding in the arts and cultures of the two great nations, and expand the scope of communication and mutual appreciation of each other's humanities and civilization, the exhibition "Art Archaeology: Mutual Reference of Civilization from Image to Fine Art (Italy)" sponsored by the Zhejiang Art Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, officially opened at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples on December 11, 2019.

       This edition of the "Art Archaeology: Mutual Reference of Civilization from Image to Fine Art (Italy)"2020 China-Italy Culture and Tourism Year Activities Framework Key Program" and at the same time also a meaningful and momentous finale of the tenth anniversary celebration of the Zhejiang Art Museum (2009-2019) to take place on the Apennine Peninsula. The main segment of the exhibition is divided into the three parts of "Ancient Imagination," "Image Evidence on History" and "Engravings in Ages," and curates a boutique selection of contemporary paper artworks, traditional watermark prints, artistic rubbings of Han dynasty carved and painted stones and other pieces created by well-known Chinese artists such as Liang Quan, Xu Bing, hen Qi, Ying Jinfei and Qiu Zhijie, alongside woodblock printing artworks filled with Chinese traditional and cultural elements and reflections of ancient Chinese farming heritage such as Chinese paper-cuttings and Chinese New Year in the Year of the Rat. The exhibition aims to iterate Chinese traditional culture's and contemporary art's tireless endeavors and earnest explorations conducive to the communication and mutual appreciation of the Chinese and Italian civilizations, reflect Chinese artists' safeguarding efforts and brand new interpretation of the heritage of the Chinese and Italian civilizations, and at the same time foster a vibrant and festive atmosphere representative of the Chinese New Year.



       In his speech for the opening ceremony, Director of the Zhejiang Art Museum Ying Jinfei pointed out that China and Italy are outstanding representatives of civilizations of the east and west, and the Chinese-Italian friendship has been time-honored, dating as far back as the era of the Silk Road. Earlier this year, the Great Universal Geographic Map, the fruit of a partnership at the end of the 16th century between Italian Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci and Hangzhou scientists Li Zhizao, was put  style="mso-spacerun:'yes';font-family:'Times New Roman';font-weight:bold;" >Art Archaeology" exhibition not only showcases outstanding contemporary paper artworks, but Han dynasty's rubbing techniques were also employed for the first time during on-site archaeological explorations at Pompeii, with the hope of using the perspective of visual arts to engender a time and space transcending dialogue between the ancient civilizations of humankind as represented by the Eastern Han dynasty of China and the city of Pompeii in Italy, so as to demonstrate the life and love that originate from arts throughout the course of human civilization history.

       Art becomes more colorful because of communication, and civilizations become more enriched because of mutual appreciation. The communication and mutual appreciation between different civilizations are key driving forces that promote advancements in human civilization and progress in world peace and development. Art is precisely such an endless continuation of the cultural heritage of human civilization, and an iteration and commemoration of history. "Art Archaeology: Mutual Reference of Civilization from Image to Fine Art (Italy)" exhibition primarily revolves around the core concept of "artistic archaeology witnessing mutual appreciation of civilizations," and serves as a dialogue between the memories of Pompeii of Italy and the humanities of the West Lake dwellers, rubbing techniques and watermark arts of China. It is a form per-celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese-Italian diplomatic relations, and a genuine endeavor to further foster the robust life force in Chinese-Italian friendship.


Ho Yoon Shin 申昊润

Liang Quan 梁铨

Li Hongbo 李洪波

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