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2023“书香社会 阅读温州”全民阅读节系列活动圆满举办

热度1039票  浏览42194次 时间:2023年4月17日 23:52

4月15日下午,“以书会友·海燕集结”|2023“书香社会 阅读温州”全民阅读节系列活动暨青蓝接力企业发展主题沙龙在温州肯恩大学图书馆4楼沉浸式书房举行。

此次活动是2023“书香社会 阅读温州”全民阅读节的系列活动之一,由中共温州市委宣传部指导,由温州市留联会、温州肯恩大学侨留联、世界温州人杂志顾问委员会和温州市朗诵艺术学会共同主办,旨在以书为桥凝聚侨界人心,筑书为渠引导创意涌流,磨书为剑拓宽思维深度。在千年商港、幸福温州,构建书香弥漫的良好氛







 第一部分,先后由温州肯恩大学商学院院长、美国肯恩大学商学院副院长曹江博士和中国年度书店“无料书铺”创始人、浙江新阅读文化传播有限公司董事长张潇分享了《Measure What Matters/这就是OKR》、《How Music Works/制造音乐》和《Catch-22/第二十二条军规》。

曹博士按照《Measure What Matters/这就是OKR》的章节思路,解析了美式企业绩效管理方法的运用和实现爆炸性增长的方法,以及它们在助力企业传统管理模式转型方面的突出作用。同时,曹博士还融入了一些个人的独特见解,引起了在场观众的热烈反响。


张潇从自己成长时期的阅读清单说起,讲述不同时期读书的侧重。张潇分享了《How Music Works/制造音乐》和《Catch-22/第二十二条军规》,讲到读书应该广泛涉猎、博采众长,启发在场嘉宾在不同的人生阶段,不同种类作品中人性的体现是共通的。











In the afternoon of April 15, 2023 BOOK SOCIETY & READING WENZHOU Reading Festival Series and Enterprise Development Theme Salon was held in the 4th floor library reading room of Wenzhou-Kean University. This event was the first reading session of the Kean University library and also the very first one of 2023  BOOK SOCIETY & READING WENZHOU Book Reading Festival, which was guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee and co-sponsored by Wenzhou Association of Scholars Abroad and Their Families, Wenzhou Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese of Wenzhou-Kean University, World Wenzhounese Magazine Advisory Committee, and Wenzhou Recitation Art Society. The aim of the event was to use books as a bridge to unite the hearts of the overseas Chinese community, build books as a channel to guide the flow of creativity, and sharpen books as a sword to broaden the depth of thinking. At the thousand-year business port, Wenzhou, a good atmosphere of books reading is built. The event was supported by WTV Economic Science and Education Channel.

Leaders and guests attending the reading were Mr. WANG Beijiao, Secretary of the CPC of Wenzhou-Kean University and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Wenzhou-Kean University, Mr. MEI Yang, Vice President of Propaganda Department of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee, Director of Municipal Press and Publication Bureau, Mr. YAN Xiaopeng, Deputy Secretary of the CPC of Wenzhou-Kean University, Mr. CAO Jiang, Dean of Business School of Wenzhou-Kean University and Vice Dean of Business School of US Kean University, Ms. LU Qiong, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and President of Wenzhou Association of Scholars Abroad and Their Families, Mr. HUANG Wanhua, Director of Education and Training Department of Organization Department of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee, Mr. CHI Ting, Director of Cultural Production Office of Propaganda Department of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee, Mr. WENG Caien, Ouhai District CPC Committee Deputy President of the United Front Work Department, Director of the District Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and Party Secretary of the District Overseas Chinese Association, Mr. HUANG Haibin, Convener of the Advisory Committee of the World Wenzhounese Magazine, Ms. WANG Li, Member of the Recitation and Singing Committee of the Chinese Poetry Society, Vice President of the Recitation Art Association of Zhejiang Province and President of the Wenzhou Recitation Art Society, Mr. CHEN Zhiyuan, Founder of Dubai China Commodity City, Dubai China Light Industry City, Dubai Zhiyuan Shoe City and Dubai China Hardware Auto Parts City, and President of the UAE Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Association, Mr. HUANG Fajing, Chairman of Wenzhou Rifeng Lighter Company, Chairman of Wenzhou Lighter Industry Association, Vice Chairman of China Hardware Products Association Daily Hardware Branch, Mr. CHEN Shisheng, Chairman of SENKEN Holding Group, Chairman of Wenzhou Defense Science and Technology Industry Association, Chairman of Wenzhou Library Council, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou International Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Lucheng International Chamber of Commerce, Mr. CHEN Shaoming, Honorary President of Rome Overseas Chinese United, Mr. MA Zhengyang, President of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Hebei Province, Mr. MEI Zhong, Standing Committee Member of the Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce and Vice President of the Wenzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, Mr. ZHANG Xing, President of the Saudi Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. PU Cailin, President of Yu Zheng Group, Vice President of the Global Sichuan Business Association, Executive Vice President of the Global South Business Association, President of the Wenzhou Sichuan Chamber of Commerce, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League in Wenzhou, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou Young Entrepreneurs Association, Mr. CHEN Lianyun, Honorary President of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, Mr. FAN Shaohua, Executive Chairman of Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, Mr. ZHANG Xingfan, Executive Vice President of Valencia Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Spain, Mr. ZHANG Xiao, Founder of "Wuliao Bookstore" (China Bookstore of the Year) and President of Zhejiang New Reading Culture Communication Co., etc. In addition, the event was also attended by overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, representatives of overseas students and their families, representatives of teachers and students of universities in the Higher Education Park, and media friends.


WANG Beijiao gave a welcome speech, saying that Wenzhou-Kean University library was just put into use this week, and it was significant to welcome the first book reading event and become the very first event of the 2023 Wenzhou Reading Festival. As a cooperative university between China and the US, Wenzhou-Kean University sincerely welcomes international personalities, overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, and young entrepreneurs studying abroad to bring more international breezes to the campus and help Wenzhou-Kean University cultivate high-quality talents with international vision and family sentiment.


MEI Yang expressed congratulations on the holding of the reading club and said that reading is an important way for a nation's spiritual development and civilization inheritance, as well as an important source of national cohesion and creativity. In order to achieve the goal of BOOK SOCIETY & READING WENZHOU, books reading event as one of the important form in the field of ideology, the city has been comprehensively strengthening the construction of public reading facilities since 2020, actively carrying out reading promotion work, making joint efforts to build a book reading society for all people, and it is gratifying and affirming to see so many entrepreneurs joining in the reading activities today.


The book reading club is divided into four parts: TALKSHOW book reading activity, Millennium Expectations poetry reading activity, Entrepreneurs in Pairs Ceremony and Book Lake Project.


In the first part, Dr. CAO Jiang, Dean of Wenzhou-Kean University Business School and Vice Dean of US Kean University Business School, and ZHANG Xiao, founder of Wuliao Bookstore(China's annual bookstore)and President of Zhejiang New Reading Culture Communication Co., Ltd. They successively shared Measure What Matters, How Music Works and Catch-22.


Following the chapter idea of Measure What Matters, Dr. CAO analyzed the application of American-style corporate performance management methods and ways to achieve explosive growth, as well as their prominent role in helping companies transform their traditional management models. At the same time, Dr. CAO also incorporated some personal and unique insights, which drew a warm response from the audience.


ZHANG Xiao talked about the focus of reading at different times, starting from his own reading list when he was growing up. He shared How Music Works and Catch-22, saying that reading should be extensive and broad-based, inspiring the guests that the embodiment of humanity in different kinds of works is common in different stages of life.


The second part was the poetry reading session, which was led by WANG Li, a member of the Recitation and Singing Committee of the Chinese Poetry Society, vice president of the Recitation Art Association of Zhejiang Province, president of the Wenzhou Recitation Art Society, and a national-level announcer, whose work Millennium Expectations was written by HUANG Haibin. The audience was led by WANG Li to recite softly, and the charm of poetry was revealed in this moment.


The third part of the event was the Entrepreneurs in Pairs Ceremony. Ms. LU Qiong, Vice Chairman of Wenzhou Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and President of Wenzhou Association of Scholars Abroad and Their Families, and Mr. HUANG Haibin, Convenor of World Wenzhounese Magazine Advisory Committee and Advisor of Wenzhou Association of Scholars Abroad and Their Families, presented the Entrepreneurs in Pairs Certificates to five renowned Entrepreneurs and appointed them as the business mentors of the Entrepreneurship Alumni Association of the Entrepreneurial China & Haiyan Gathering Global Youth Entrepreneurship Competition. They are CHEN Zhiyuan, HUANG Fajing, CHEN Shisheng, PU Cailin, and ZHANG Xing.


Five young entrepreneurs were invited to the stage to introduce their entrepreneurial projects. Mr. WANG Liang, who is engaged in infrared heat dissipation and energy saving server project, Mr. ZHANG Xiao, who is engaged in the "Yuehe" copyright trading platform project, Mr. SUN Hui, who is engaged in the laser corneal refractive surgery project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. WU Hua, who is engaged in the brain-controlled robot project for stroke patients, and Ms. SU Xiaoyu, who is engaged in the SANFEN project of pure tea. After the successful pairing, the five business mentors gave their encouragements to the five business projects.


The fourth part was the Book Lake Project, a blind box exchange program for book lovers. Mr. LIN Yangfan introduced the Book Lake Project launched by Wenzhou-Kean University Library, which is a book exchange program, through book donation and book exchange to realize the intersection of book lovers in blind boxes in different time and space, and increase the fun of reading and sharing.


The whole event was successfully concluded in a bookfrangrance-filled atmosphere.

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